Articles of Association
1. The name of the League shall be the Waterloo Pool League.
2. Members of the League shall enjoy the right to participate in competitive English eight-ball tournaments organised by the League and its committee.
3. The League is open to all teams residing broadly within the area defined by the League committee. The League committee reserves the right to accept or deny any application to join the League.
4. Teams shall, upon payment of the required entry fee, be presented with a copy of the Rules of Play and the League Rules and Regulations.
5. The Rules of Play shall be decided in advance of the season by the League committee, and shall wherever possible reflect the official rules of the game as defined by the English Pool Association.
6. The League Rules and Regulations shall clarify such matters as the structure of matches, the designated start time for matches, and the expected code of behaviour among players.
7. The entry fee shall be agreed in advance by the League committee.
8. The League Committee shall comprise five executive post-holders, specifically:
- A Chairperson, who's prime responsibility is to call and chair all League meetings, maintain a working knowledge of the intricate language and legalities of the constitutional side of things, along with the delegation of other responsibilities to members as required.
- A Secretary, who's responsible for the day-to-day running of the League.
- A Treasurer, who is responsible for managing all League finances, setting up and running a working League bank account and generating positive annual accounts to the AGM.
- A Registrar, who's responsibilities are managing team & player registrations, compiling stats & tables as required.
- A Tournament Director, responsible for running team & individual tournaments plus assisting in scheduling matters.
- In accordance with the requirements for the setting up of a new banking facility, known as a ‘community account’, or sometimes referred to as a ‘clubs and societies’ account, all of the executive post-holders will/may be be installed as ‘signatories’, or named account holders as agreed at the 2023 AGM.
Nominations and candidacies for these posts may come from any member of the League and shall be decided by a simple majority vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Post-holders will be elected for a maximum period of two years before they are required to seek re-election.
Any posts left vacant after an AGM may be filled by co-opted members. Co-opted members may only serve in that post until the next AGM at which point they are required to seek re-election if they wish to continue.
Committee members may be co-opted to take on additional responsibilities, but no committee member may hold more than two posts at any one time, and no individual may seek election to any more than one post.
At all times there must be a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer (although one committee member may be required to hold two of these posts simultaneously if there is no other candidate).
9. The League committee reserves the right to suspend or expel any team or player if it that team or player is deemed by the committee to have behaved in such a way as to have brought the league into disrepute.
10. Any team or player suspended or expelled from the League has the right to appeal, in the form of a letter of appeal sent to the League secretary, accompanied by any evidence of mitigation, within 28 days of the original decision.
11. The League committee shall meet prior to the beginning of each season, and again during the second half of each season.
Other meetings may be called as and when deemed necessary by the executive committee.
12. All registered players affiliated to bona fide teams in the League are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting of the League, which shall be held prior to the start of each winter league season.
13. The Treasurer shall present the accounts of the League to the League membership for approval at the Annual General Meeting, and report on them to the committee at each committee meeting.
Revised following amendments to the committee structure adopted by the Association at the 2009 AGM.
Further revised following subsequent amendments adopted at the 2012 AGM.
Revised further following amendments made at the 2019 AGM.
Standing Committee
August 2023
1. The name of the League shall be the Waterloo Pool League.
2. Members of the League shall enjoy the right to participate in competitive English eight-ball tournaments organised by the League and its committee.
3. The League is open to all teams residing broadly within the area defined by the League committee. The League committee reserves the right to accept or deny any application to join the League.
4. Teams shall, upon payment of the required entry fee, be presented with a copy of the Rules of Play and the League Rules and Regulations.
5. The Rules of Play shall be decided in advance of the season by the League committee, and shall wherever possible reflect the official rules of the game as defined by the English Pool Association.
6. The League Rules and Regulations shall clarify such matters as the structure of matches, the designated start time for matches, and the expected code of behaviour among players.
7. The entry fee shall be agreed in advance by the League committee.
8. The League Committee shall comprise five executive post-holders, specifically:
- A Chairperson, who's prime responsibility is to call and chair all League meetings, maintain a working knowledge of the intricate language and legalities of the constitutional side of things, along with the delegation of other responsibilities to members as required.
- A Secretary, who's responsible for the day-to-day running of the League.
- A Treasurer, who is responsible for managing all League finances, setting up and running a working League bank account and generating positive annual accounts to the AGM.
- A Registrar, who's responsibilities are managing team & player registrations, compiling stats & tables as required.
- A Tournament Director, responsible for running team & individual tournaments plus assisting in scheduling matters.
- In accordance with the requirements for the setting up of a new banking facility, known as a ‘community account’, or sometimes referred to as a ‘clubs and societies’ account, all of the executive post-holders will/may be be installed as ‘signatories’, or named account holders as agreed at the 2023 AGM.
Nominations and candidacies for these posts may come from any member of the League and shall be decided by a simple majority vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Post-holders will be elected for a maximum period of two years before they are required to seek re-election.
Any posts left vacant after an AGM may be filled by co-opted members. Co-opted members may only serve in that post until the next AGM at which point they are required to seek re-election if they wish to continue.
Committee members may be co-opted to take on additional responsibilities, but no committee member may hold more than two posts at any one time, and no individual may seek election to any more than one post.
At all times there must be a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer (although one committee member may be required to hold two of these posts simultaneously if there is no other candidate).
9. The League committee reserves the right to suspend or expel any team or player if it that team or player is deemed by the committee to have behaved in such a way as to have brought the league into disrepute.
10. Any team or player suspended or expelled from the League has the right to appeal, in the form of a letter of appeal sent to the League secretary, accompanied by any evidence of mitigation, within 28 days of the original decision.
11. The League committee shall meet prior to the beginning of each season, and again during the second half of each season.
Other meetings may be called as and when deemed necessary by the executive committee.
12. All registered players affiliated to bona fide teams in the League are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting of the League, which shall be held prior to the start of each winter league season.
13. The Treasurer shall present the accounts of the League to the League membership for approval at the Annual General Meeting, and report on them to the committee at each committee meeting.
Revised following amendments to the committee structure adopted by the Association at the 2009 AGM.
Further revised following subsequent amendments adopted at the 2012 AGM.
Revised further following amendments made at the 2019 AGM.
Standing Committee
August 2023