The Waterloo Summer League playing format is as follows:
Players who play in the 1st set then also play in the 2nd & 3rd sets MUST play in the same numbered position they played in the 1st set. This also applies to the 2nd set.
Fees & Subscriptions:
Team Registration Fee:
Player Registration subscription:
Players MUST be registered within 7 days of their first match.
Player registration will not be complete until both Registration Form & Player Fee has been received by the league.
This should be agreed in advance between participating captains - in the event of a dispute, Home team choice of evening will take preference.
Further substitutions can be made after the second round of games (i.e. after six frames).
If a player is substituted, they MAY be brought back in subsequent sets.
To allow for results to be verified & individual player stats to be compiled week by week, please could the winning captain either:
- hand the completed match sheet to Alan Day
- deposit the match sheet behind the bar at Spots & Stripes, or
- copy/scan the result sheet and post into Capts WhatsApp group
It is the responsibility of the winning captain to ensure that match sheet is submitted.
For further information on ways to pay Team or Player subscriptions, please contact
- Matches will be played as 4 sets each comprising 3 frames (totalling 12 frames per match).
- Squads should comprise minimum 4, no maximum players per team, per season.
- Teams must field a minimum of 3 players per match or the fixture will be awarded to their opponents.
- No player may play more than 1 frame per set.
- If a player is substituted in the 2nd (or subsequent) sets they MAY BE re-introduced in further sets.
- Playing order to be written down separately at the start of each set before being combined onto the result sheet.
- The first 3 sets will be played in what is known as the ‘Golden Cue' format.
Players who play in the 1st set then also play in the 2nd & 3rd sets MUST play in the same numbered position they played in the 1st set. This also applies to the 2nd set.
- In the 4th set there will be no specific playing order - players may be placed in ANY position in either set.
Fees & Subscriptions:
Team Registration Fee:
- The entry fee for Teams entering the league is £20 per team.
- This entry fee MUST be paid at or prior to the first set of fixtures.
- Any team not having paid the Team Registration fee by the 2nd fixture date will NOT be eligible to play.
Player Registration subscription:
- Individual players who were registered in the previous 2023-24 winter season are already covered and will not need to pay additional player subscriptions.
- Players who were not registered in the previous winter season will be required to fill in an Interim Player Registration Form and pay a reduced subscription of £5 - this will subsequently be deducted from their annual subscription should they then go on to play in the new 2024-2025 winter season.
Players MUST be registered within 7 days of their first match.
Player registration will not be complete until both Registration Form & Player Fee has been received by the league.
- All matches will be played on Tuesday evenings, played to International Rules.
This should be agreed in advance between participating captains - in the event of a dispute, Home team choice of evening will take preference.
- Should a team need to re-arrange a fixture, they should give their opponents, the venue & the league 24 hours notice.
- If a team is unable to attend a match (providing they have not already given 24 hrs re-arrangement notice as above) they MUST contact the other team & notify the league by midday of the match day at the latest.
- All matches will start at 8:00
- Away team players should have access to the table for ten minute practice beforehand (from 7:50)
- One frame will be awarded for every 10 minutes after 8:00 that a team is late.
- Stop-clocks will be used as the 45-second rule is to be implemented.
- 1st players in first set will lag for break before first frame - following breaks will alternate throughout.
- Both captains will name their STARTING THREE PLAYERS only in the first instance. This will be done separately, then the 2 sets of names will be combined onto the match sheet.
Further substitutions can be made after the second round of games (i.e. after six frames).
If a player is substituted, they MAY be brought back in subsequent sets.
- All frames must be played. If a team decides not to complete its frames, then all un-played frames will count as wins for the other team.
To allow for results to be verified & individual player stats to be compiled week by week, please could the winning captain either:
- hand the completed match sheet to Alan Day
- deposit the match sheet behind the bar at Spots & Stripes, or
- copy/scan the result sheet and post into Capts WhatsApp group
It is the responsibility of the winning captain to ensure that match sheet is submitted.
For further information on ways to pay Team or Player subscriptions, please contact
See our website: