Waterloo Pool League - Winter League 2024-2025
Playing Rules & Regulations:
All matches in the Waterloo Pool League are played to International Eightball Pool rules (Revision 2c – May 2023).
Nothing contained in these playing rules and regulations shall be interpreted as overriding these official rules of the game. They are tournament playing rules applicable only in the context of the Winter League of the Waterloo Pool League.
In case of dispute, please consult the tournament director(s).
1. a) The entry fee to the league for 2024-25 season is £50. This includes entry into the Team KO Cup.
- b) Team Registrations must be submitted prior to the team being entered into the league draw. Any team not having submitted a Team Registration form by the published draw date will not take part in the winter league.
- c) The League winners and Team KO winners will win Paid Entry (paid by the League) into Champion of Champions Competition (This amount is set by the EPA).
- d) Prize money for League & Team KO competitions will be paid directly to the winning teams.
2. a) Player registration is £10 for adults, £5 for Juniors (17 or under at end Oct 2024).
- b) Teams are required to register at least 6 players before the start date of the season.
- c) Teams can register up to a maximum of 12 players, plus 2 of either/or Ladies/Juniors.
- d) New players must be registered within 7 days of playing their first frame.
- e) Registration will not be complete until both a Player Registration Form and fee has been received by the League.
- f) Any team playing an unregistered player in any set within a match will be deducted 3 points and any frames won by the offending player if not registered within 7 full days of the match.
3. a) Matches are held on Tuesday evenings (or any other evening within the fixture week if mutually agreed in advance by both teams).
- b) Fixture postponements are NO LONGER PERMITTED unless there are extreme circumstances, to be agreed by the committee.
- c) If a match is played on any other evening than the scheduled Tuesday, the team requesting the change of date must give at least 24 hours notice to both the opposing team AND the host venue (who may be providing & preparing match food).
- d) The evening can only be rearranged if the non-postponing team agrees, as they have the final say.
- e) The league MUST be notified if there are any changes to the fixtures.
- f) If a team is unable to attend a match (providing they have not already given 24 hrs re-arrangement notice as above) they must contact the other team, the host venue and notify the League by midday of the match day at the latest.
- g) Any team failing in this will have 3 penalty points deducted and forfeit the match 9 v 0.
- h) On the second occasion they will forfeit the match 9 v 0 and be expelled from the League.
4. a) Matches will commence at 8:00 pm.
- b) Visiting teams should ideally be at the venue/table by 7:45pm.
- c) The Home Team should make the match table available to the opposition for 15 minutes practice no later than 7:45pm if required.
If both Home & Away teams both play out of Spots & Stripes then the allocated match table shall be equally available to players from both teams - tables are normally available for practice from 7:00pm, though this is NOT guaranteed.
- d) Should the visiting team arrive later that 7:45pm then the match table practice time will be reduced - matches should always commence prompt at 8:00pm.
- e) Any team arriving late for the designated start time of a match can be docked 1 frame every 10 minutes.
- f) League representatives will either be on site or contactable by phone to ensure that all matches start on time.
Any team not available to begin the match at 8 will be put ‘on the clock’ and frames docked as above.
This is not subject to negotiation by respective captains.
- g) If they have failed to arrive after 1 hour, by 9pm, they will have 3 penalty points deducted and forfeit the match 9 v 0.
- h) On the second occasion they will forfeit the match 9 v 0 and be expelled from the League.
5. a) Team Captains only fielding 4 players on the night should notify each other if there are any of these 4 players who will be late to the venue before the match commences.
- b) If the named late-arriving player is not present by the time his/her frame is due to start then it is permitted to play around this frame into and through the second set.
If the player hasn’t arrived by the end of the second set then he/she will forfeit both frames.
The non-attending players name should be removed from the match sheet for both sets, giving his/her opponent no-show wins for the player stats.
- c) If teams already have 4 or more players at the venue then these 4 players should be named on the match sheet ahead of any late-arriving player for each set.
- d) All teams are required to play a match if they have at least 3 players available.
- e) No team can start a match without a minimum of 3 players available.
- f) If a team only fields 3 players, they must enter the attending player’s names in positions shown in each set on the Match Sheet - this allows for an equal number of breaks.
- g) A team intending to play with only 3 players should inform the opposing captain before names are entered on the match sheet, to allow them to decide their no-show win players.
6. a) A match consists of 16 singles frames, 4 sets, each set of 4 frames.
- b) Player names should be entered on the match sheet prior to each set.
- c) Playing order to be written down separately at the start of each set before being combined onto the result sheet
- d) Player names may be entered in any order, in any set.
- e) Players competing in the second, third or fourth sets need not be the same players that competed in the first.
- f) Should a player be substituted for the second set they may be re-introduced for subsequent sets.
- g) If the match result is a draw (8 - 8) then there will be a 1-frame play-off.
- h) A winning team will be awarded 3 points, a win-draw 2 points and a team losing the play-off will be awarded 1 point.
7. a) In the event of a team withdrawing/ being expelled from the League and not completing the season, all win/loss fixture results involving the team will be erased from the League Table.
So as to not penalise other players, should a team be expelled then the individual player stats figures accrued by opposing players will remain.
- b) Any players from the expelled team that may be involved in singles/doubles competitions will also automatically be withdrawn from these additional events.
Any wins already achieved in these events by the eliminated player will remain. (This may be unfortunate for some, but these events cannot be re-drawn or re-played).
8. a) In the event that the League do not generate pre-printed match sheets, the ‘Home’ team should provide the match sheet for each match - these are easily downloaded from the web-site
- b) If a Waterloo League match sheet is not used and the details are entered on anything other than this the offending team will be deducted 1 penalty point.
- c) The Captain of the winning team must Email a completed & legible copy of the Match Sheet to results@waterloopool.co.uk by 8pm on the day following the fixture.
Alternatively, the match sheet should be handed to Alan Day, or left behind the bar at Spots & Stripes for collection.
- d) If the match sheet is not received by either of these methods by the Saturday of the week the match is played then the offending team will be deducted 1 penalty point.
League Secretary
Updated - September 2024
Playing Rules & Regulations:
All matches in the Waterloo Pool League are played to International Eightball Pool rules (Revision 2c – May 2023).
Nothing contained in these playing rules and regulations shall be interpreted as overriding these official rules of the game. They are tournament playing rules applicable only in the context of the Winter League of the Waterloo Pool League.
In case of dispute, please consult the tournament director(s).
1. a) The entry fee to the league for 2024-25 season is £50. This includes entry into the Team KO Cup.
- b) Team Registrations must be submitted prior to the team being entered into the league draw. Any team not having submitted a Team Registration form by the published draw date will not take part in the winter league.
- c) The League winners and Team KO winners will win Paid Entry (paid by the League) into Champion of Champions Competition (This amount is set by the EPA).
- d) Prize money for League & Team KO competitions will be paid directly to the winning teams.
2. a) Player registration is £10 for adults, £5 for Juniors (17 or under at end Oct 2024).
- b) Teams are required to register at least 6 players before the start date of the season.
- c) Teams can register up to a maximum of 12 players, plus 2 of either/or Ladies/Juniors.
- d) New players must be registered within 7 days of playing their first frame.
- e) Registration will not be complete until both a Player Registration Form and fee has been received by the League.
- f) Any team playing an unregistered player in any set within a match will be deducted 3 points and any frames won by the offending player if not registered within 7 full days of the match.
3. a) Matches are held on Tuesday evenings (or any other evening within the fixture week if mutually agreed in advance by both teams).
- b) Fixture postponements are NO LONGER PERMITTED unless there are extreme circumstances, to be agreed by the committee.
- c) If a match is played on any other evening than the scheduled Tuesday, the team requesting the change of date must give at least 24 hours notice to both the opposing team AND the host venue (who may be providing & preparing match food).
- d) The evening can only be rearranged if the non-postponing team agrees, as they have the final say.
- e) The league MUST be notified if there are any changes to the fixtures.
- f) If a team is unable to attend a match (providing they have not already given 24 hrs re-arrangement notice as above) they must contact the other team, the host venue and notify the League by midday of the match day at the latest.
- g) Any team failing in this will have 3 penalty points deducted and forfeit the match 9 v 0.
- h) On the second occasion they will forfeit the match 9 v 0 and be expelled from the League.
4. a) Matches will commence at 8:00 pm.
- b) Visiting teams should ideally be at the venue/table by 7:45pm.
- c) The Home Team should make the match table available to the opposition for 15 minutes practice no later than 7:45pm if required.
If both Home & Away teams both play out of Spots & Stripes then the allocated match table shall be equally available to players from both teams - tables are normally available for practice from 7:00pm, though this is NOT guaranteed.
- d) Should the visiting team arrive later that 7:45pm then the match table practice time will be reduced - matches should always commence prompt at 8:00pm.
- e) Any team arriving late for the designated start time of a match can be docked 1 frame every 10 minutes.
- f) League representatives will either be on site or contactable by phone to ensure that all matches start on time.
Any team not available to begin the match at 8 will be put ‘on the clock’ and frames docked as above.
This is not subject to negotiation by respective captains.
- g) If they have failed to arrive after 1 hour, by 9pm, they will have 3 penalty points deducted and forfeit the match 9 v 0.
- h) On the second occasion they will forfeit the match 9 v 0 and be expelled from the League.
5. a) Team Captains only fielding 4 players on the night should notify each other if there are any of these 4 players who will be late to the venue before the match commences.
- b) If the named late-arriving player is not present by the time his/her frame is due to start then it is permitted to play around this frame into and through the second set.
If the player hasn’t arrived by the end of the second set then he/she will forfeit both frames.
The non-attending players name should be removed from the match sheet for both sets, giving his/her opponent no-show wins for the player stats.
- c) If teams already have 4 or more players at the venue then these 4 players should be named on the match sheet ahead of any late-arriving player for each set.
- d) All teams are required to play a match if they have at least 3 players available.
- e) No team can start a match without a minimum of 3 players available.
- f) If a team only fields 3 players, they must enter the attending player’s names in positions shown in each set on the Match Sheet - this allows for an equal number of breaks.
- g) A team intending to play with only 3 players should inform the opposing captain before names are entered on the match sheet, to allow them to decide their no-show win players.
6. a) A match consists of 16 singles frames, 4 sets, each set of 4 frames.
- b) Player names should be entered on the match sheet prior to each set.
- c) Playing order to be written down separately at the start of each set before being combined onto the result sheet
- d) Player names may be entered in any order, in any set.
- e) Players competing in the second, third or fourth sets need not be the same players that competed in the first.
- f) Should a player be substituted for the second set they may be re-introduced for subsequent sets.
- g) If the match result is a draw (8 - 8) then there will be a 1-frame play-off.
- h) A winning team will be awarded 3 points, a win-draw 2 points and a team losing the play-off will be awarded 1 point.
7. a) In the event of a team withdrawing/ being expelled from the League and not completing the season, all win/loss fixture results involving the team will be erased from the League Table.
So as to not penalise other players, should a team be expelled then the individual player stats figures accrued by opposing players will remain.
- b) Any players from the expelled team that may be involved in singles/doubles competitions will also automatically be withdrawn from these additional events.
Any wins already achieved in these events by the eliminated player will remain. (This may be unfortunate for some, but these events cannot be re-drawn or re-played).
8. a) In the event that the League do not generate pre-printed match sheets, the ‘Home’ team should provide the match sheet for each match - these are easily downloaded from the web-site
- b) If a Waterloo League match sheet is not used and the details are entered on anything other than this the offending team will be deducted 1 penalty point.
- c) The Captain of the winning team must Email a completed & legible copy of the Match Sheet to results@waterloopool.co.uk by 8pm on the day following the fixture.
Alternatively, the match sheet should be handed to Alan Day, or left behind the bar at Spots & Stripes for collection.
- d) If the match sheet is not received by either of these methods by the Saturday of the week the match is played then the offending team will be deducted 1 penalty point.
League Secretary
Updated - September 2024